This section highlights the materials and documents created throughout the instructional design process.


The "Introduction to Your New MacBook" training program was specially designed for 6th to 12th graders at Model Laboratory School who are new to Apple and Mac products. This comprehensive program aims to equip students with essential skills to efficiently navigate and utilize their school-issued devices.

With a focus on problem identification and goal-setting, students will embark on a journey to master key functionalities of their MacBooks, starting with setting up and using the Dock as their "favorites" section for quick access to frequently used applications. From there, they will learn to locate and organize apps using the Launchpad function, and efficiently navigate through files and applications using the Finder.

Through hands-on tasks and gradual release instruction, students will develop proficiency in fundamental Mac operations, such as taking screenshots and customizing desktop settings. Each module is carefully crafted to address the diverse needs and skill levels of students, ensuring an inclusive learning experience for all. By the end of the program, students will emerge with enhanced digital literacy and confidence in leveraging their MacBooks for academic success.


Complete the following tasks for each goal below. Each correctly completed task is worth 5 points for a total of 35 points (7 tasks)

Tasks for Goal 1 (Locate and open apps from the dock)

  1. Identify the area of the MacBook screen where the Dock resides - Add a screenshot of your dock below:

  2. From left to right on the Dock of your MacBook, list below the Apps that currently reside there:

  3. Open a specific App from your Dock - Add a screenshot of this opened app below:

Tasks for Goal 2 (Use the Launchpad to locate and organize specified apps)

  1. Locate and Open the Launchpad App from your Dock - Add a screenshot of your opened Launchpad app below:

  2. Locate an App that is/will be commonly used, and drag and drop it onto your Dock to customize it - Add a screenshot of the newly added app to your dock below:

Tasks for Goal 3 (Use the Finder function to open apps and files)

  1. Locate and Open the Finder from your Dock - Add a screenshot of your opened Finder app below:

  2. Locate and open items from Applications, Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders - Add 4 screenshots of an opened items (1 each from Applications, Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders) below:

Needs assessment

In response to the pressing concern of declining mental health among school-age children, particularly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, a needs assessment was conducted at Richmond Kentucky’s Model Laboratory School. With roots in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, this assessment explores the necessity for enhanced mental health support within the educational setting. As the sole laboratory school in Kentucky, serving 750 students from kindergarten to 12th grade, Model Lab aims to address the prevalent mental health challenges faced by its students. Drawing from national data and local research findings, this assessment seeks to identify gaps in mental health support and propose potential solutions, including the possibility of additional teacher training. Through a comprehensive analysis of student perceptions, community resources, and best practices, this assessment aims to inform strategic interventions to better support the mental well-being of students at Model Laboratory School.

Program evaluation

The program evaluation conducted at Model Laboratory School delves into the efficacy of its writing program, a cornerstone of its educational mission. Located at Eastern Kentucky University, Model Lab is dedicated to fostering excellence in education and serves as the state’s sole laboratory school, setting a standard for innovative pedagogy. Embedded within the comprehensive Model Core curriculum, the writing program aims to cultivate advanced writing skills in students from kindergarten through high school, aligning with the institution's commitment to experiential, student-centered learning. This evaluation focuses on assessing the attainment of writing proficiency among high school students, as outlined by the Model Core Rubric's Core Competencies. Through a rigorous examination of curriculum implementation, student performance, and instructional strategies, this evaluation seeks to provide insights into the effectiveness of the writing program in preparing students for academic and real-world writing challenges.

Above is an explanation of my evaluation of the Primary Play-Doh Writing program.